History always rhymes!

“Fahy says farmers are facing more stress now than they have since the farming crisis of the 1980s, when hundreds of farms were auctioned on the courthouse steps across the country each month and thousands of farmers faced financial ruin. “ Their dad killed himself on the farm where he was born. They hope his story will save others. Story by Jessica Ravitz CNN August 21, 2018

The farm crisis of the 1980s’ occurred because of the gross negligent management of government policies and regulations by Congress as detailed in the USDA publication “A Time to Choose” 1980 by Robert Bergland.

Ronald Regan upon assuming the presidency chose corporate mega farming over rural small and mid size farms. He promoted global trade effectively outsourcing much of farming to Africa, Mexico, and Chile and placing local production into the hands of large corporate players like Cargill, Tyson, Dole, etc. Farm credit agencies got swamped in bad loans as USDA/FSA personnel had flooded the market with sub prime farm loans under the false assumptions more production the better, the bigger the better, Farms need more equipment to increase production and yield. Farms need to get bigger to improve economies of scale. Or where they intentionally using government funds to create an intentional bubble profiting on the rise, sucking up the assets on the fall, and profiting on resale of ill gotten real estate.

When public and private funding vaporized farmers turned to the lender of last resort the USDA.

USDA personnel were holding that loaded gun aimed at farmers seeking credit and had zero training on the use of that gun. Were completely uneducated in its use and then Regan reduces credit availability by 23% in every state killing hundreds of thousands of small  & midsize farmers. This wasn’t just killing available credit Reagan wanted a 23% reduction in outstanding loan dollars. And FmHa responded with robo foreclosures the Courts found in violation of the Constitution. 

Congress, Bush, and Clinton set out to clean up Congresses mess by eliminating accountability for their complete incompetence in the management of farm policy trade, regulations, and the USDA. Congress and Clinton institutionalized a criminal and unconstitutional racket pinned to deference and aided by the US Judiciary to avoid any future accountability for negligence, fraud, discrimination, or just outright criminal behaviors by USDA personnel. An un accountable government agency armed with a a loaded gun their not trained to use while their victims are bated into the traps government continues to create.   

The Federal Judiciary told Congress to pass the Separation of Powers restoration act to fix Governments gross criminal and unconstitutional denial of Due Process.  Justice Scalia, Thomas, and Roberts in case briefs and Scalia in public statements made it known the Supreme Court would look at reversing the doctrine of deference because its unconstitutional and extremely abused by Government and the Federal Judiciary. See Whitman v. United States, 574 U.S. ___ (November 10, 2014).  Scalia   “ I doubt the Government’s pretensions to deference. They collide with the norm that legislatures, not executive officers, define crimes. When King James I tried to create new crimes  by royal command, the judges responded that “the King cannot create any offense by his prohibition or proclamation, which was not an offense before.”  James I, however, did not have the benefit of Chevron deference.  With deference to agency interpretations of statu­tory provisions to which criminal prohibitions are at­tached, federal administrators can in effect create (and uncreate) new crimes  at will, so long as they do not roam beyond ambiguities that the laws contain [internal citations omitted]”


Justices Scalia and Thomas Amenable to Reexamining Deference to SEC Statutory Interpretations

Perez v. Mortgage Bankers association No . 13-1041 December 1, 2014 – Decided March 9, 2015.

judicial deference to agency interpretive rules cannot be squared with the constitutional structures of separation of powers, and checks and balances.”[Emphasis added]

Update 9-17-18 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES UNITED STUDENT AID FUNDS, INC. v. BRYANA BIBLE May 16, 2016 Scoutus deny’s challenge to Auer deference on Constitutionality. Read this and you will find members of the Supreme Court admitting there Co-Conspirators with Government Agencies in war on the Constitutional rights of Due Process and Equal Justice.Do I need a jury trial to convict them of Treason when they have admitted guilt? Here is another more recent statement of the same thing. How many years will the public allow tyranny? Thomas and Gorsuch

Justice Scalia suffered a mysterious circumstantial death February 13, 2016 just as an excellent case to address deference was in the Federal Circuit. ”MINE” Justice Kavanugh gave a deference dog whistle speech outlining his concurrence with Scalia’s views on the subject June 2, 2016. In march of 2017 at the Confirmation hearings of Neil Gorsuch Senator Al Franken expresses the democrats objections to the reversal of deference.

Congress knows and has known they are criminally and unconstitutionally abusing deference. See history on Separation of Powers restoration Act. The Federal Judiciary has known and knows Government agencies are criminally and unconstitutionally abusing deference. See the cases referenced above. The Federal Judiciary has an absolutely abysmal record of providing Due Process. Congress is never removing judges in what looks like a quid pro quo. It all stinks of a Government warring against providing Due Process as the Constitution requires as they kill off more and more farmers like me with Treason. Who is master, who is slave? 

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